GSSF is a leading company in the field of manufacturing of of Stainless Steel / Carbon Steel Storage Tanks (API-650), Silos, Pressure Vessel, Pressure Piping, Shell and Tube Type Heat Exchangers, Pig Launchers & Receivers, Fuel Storage Tanks, Chemical Road Tankers, Water Storage Tanks, Chemical Injection Skids and also having the facility for the hard and cold bonded rubber lining for the tanks, pressure vessel, chemical road tankers and piping. GSSF is an ISO-9001:2008 certified company and authorized to manufacture and supply code stamped pressure vessels in accordance with ASME “U” stamp and power piping in accordance with ASME “PP” stamp and also having National Board “NB” Certificate of Authorization.
For the design of the pressure vessel and storage tanks, we are using the latest version of the Engineering Software PV ELITE / Code Calc – Tank to comply the requirement of the ASME, BS and API Standard.
GSSF is approved vendor of Shell Global Solution Netherlands and KNPC for the Reactor’s Internals, HD Tray, Scale Catching Tray, Combined Ultra Flat Quench Tray, Pre-distributors and other related parts manufacturing.
GSSF is approved with KOC, EQUATE, PIC, MEW and KJO (AL KHAFJI JOINT OPERATION) as a manufacturer of Pressure Vessels, Storage Tanks, Pipe Spools fabrication and other allied job.
We have supplied the above equipment for KOC, KNPC, EQUATE, PIC, MEW, MPW, KGOC (Joint Operation – Wafra) through major EPC Companies and similar equipment exported to international market – USA, Russia, Netherlands, Germany, South Korea, Bahrain, KSA, Syria, Yemen and Jordan.

Storage tank SS & CS


Pressure Vessels SS & CS


Power Piping


Pipelines / Flow Lines


Heat Exchangers


Internal reactors / Internal Columns
